For those who want to speak French at a BASIC level.

Suitable for complete beginners, as well as upper-beginners (A1 to A2).

Are you an English speaker who has been trying to learn French for a while without much success? Do you struggle to string sentences together when you want to speak, so your efforts are not bringing you the results you were hoping for? How would you feel if you were able to learn to speak basic French seamlessly in as little as 30 days?

  • If you wish you could be shown how to learn French in a way that seems almost effortless, so that every time you want to say something you didn’t have to try and remember so hard…
  • If you’d love for someone to show you exactly HOW and WHAT to learn and nothing more, in order to SPEAK French straightaway, without wasting time on lengthy exercises…
  • Or you wish a professional French teacher would personally coach you to do just that, so you can focus on your daily life…

Then, my new Parlez Français course is for you.

I will show you how to build sentences with “building blocks”, so you start speaking properly from day one, even with limited vocabulary.

I will coach you through all the essential sentence structures and expressions the French use in everyday life, so that you sound French from the very beginning.

I will explain about vocabulary, verbs and tenses as we go along, so you won’t feel like you are wasting your time on school-like lessons.

Download a sample HERE to check it out before you buy!

Want to speak French at basic level in as little as 30 days without having to take private lessons? Then get your copy now!